Skill: Leadership

Sævar Ólafsson

Ofursérfræðingur hjá Origo og einn af stofnendum Karolina Fund.
  • Crowdfunding
  • Content Marketing
  • Making Sushi
  • Business Plan development
  • JIRA
  • Confluence
  • VYRE
  • Analyctics
  • Leadership
  • Making Kebab

Una Guðlaug Sveinsdóttir

Translation student, scout leader, cheese lover.
  • Leadership
  • Team building
  • Motivating
  • Joking
  • Scout leader

Valdís Ösp Jónsdóttir

Nurse, mother, cuddler
  • B.Sc in Nursing
  • Parenting
  • Joking
  • Leadership
  • Resourcefulness
  • Scout leader
  • Motivating

Hermann Ottósson

  • Business analysis
  • Business Plan development
  • Contract negotiating
  • Critical Thingking
  • Leadership
  • Strategy
  • Corporate Identity
  • International Marketning
  • Marketning Strategy
  • Humanitarian
  • Tourism
  • Mentor
  • Presentation skills

Garðar Árni Garðarsson

  • Leadership
  • politics

Jón Egill Hafsteinsson

I'm Jón and I am the HR & PR manager at Bad Melody.
  • Leadership
  • human resources
  • funny

Martyna Karolina Daniel

Cinematographer and Editor
  • Leadership

Esther Ágústsdóttir

Verkefnisstjóri hjá Kakalaskála ehf. / Project manager at Kakalaskáli
  • literature
  • financial planing
  • Leadership
  • multilingual

Amel Barich

  • geology
  • Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Strategic Communication
  • Art
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Painting
  • Singing
  • Writing

Amel Barich

  • geology
  • Leadership

David jack

  • Teamwork
  • Responsibility
  • Creativity
  • Problem-solving
  • Leadership

Skills and resources

Business and Management


Art and Design







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