Vinsamlegast lestu vandlega hugverkastefnu Karolina Fund áður en þú notar þjónustu okkar.

Athugið að hugverkastefna Karolina Fund er aðeins í boði á ensku.

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Copyright Policy

Karolina Fund desires to offer a website where users share truthful and accurate information. Karolina Fund respects the intellectual property rights of others and the User Agreement requires that information posted by users be accurate, lawful and not in violation of the intellectual property rights of third parties.

In accordance with the User Agreement, Karolina Fund may remove or disable access to specified content appearing on the Karolina Fund website upon receipt of a verified notice asserting that the content infringes intellectual property rights, is inaccurate, or is otherwise unlawful. Karolina Fund may make a good faith attempt to forward the written notification, including the complainant’s contact information, to the user who posted the content and/or take other reasonable steps to notify the user that Karolina Fund has received notice of an alleged violation of intellectual property rights or other content violation. Our policies and procedures for removing or disabling access to content alleged to be infringing, inaccurate or otherwise unlawful are and remain at Karolina Fund’s discretion. Where Karolina Fund deems appropriate, accounts of users or groups, who may infringe or repeatedly infringe the intellectual property rights of others, or who otherwise post inaccurate or unlawful content, can be disabled and/or terminated.

Please note that any notice or counter-notice concerning content posted on the Karolina Fund website must be truthful and must be sent under penalty of perjury. A false notice or counter-notice may give rise to personal liability. You may therefore want to seek the advice of legal counsel before sending a notice or a counter-notice.

Karolina Fund ehf © 2025 | Kt: 460712-1570 | VAT: 111464