Precious Anna was was written to help kids understand things that are extremely important for their emotional wellbeing - things that can have a big impact on their lives and future and contribute to more happiness, deeper self-love and better communication.
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This project will only be funded if €3000 or more is pledged before 2024-05-10 00:00.


raised of €3,000 goal


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Fjóla María Bjarnadóttir

  • Rithöfundur
  • Hugmyndasmiður
  • Markþjálfi


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Dýrmæta Anna

  • Hugmyndavinna
  • Bókaskrif
  • Teikningar
  • Umbrot og hönnun
  • Prentun
  • Útgáfa og dreifing

Further Information

About the project

Anna has made five important discoveries about herself and is eager to share them with as many kids and grown-ups as possible. She believes that everyone would greatly benefit from this information.

Precious Anna was written to help kids understand things that are extremely important for their emotional wellbeing - things that can have a big impact on their lives and future and contribute to more happiness, deeper self-love and better communication. The book has five chapters (discoveries), each with a metaphor that makes the topic super fun and easy to understand.

1. Chapter: I´m precious - but sometimes, I totally forget! (the forgetful diamond)
2. Chapter: My thoughts can LIE - I need to be a clever lie-detective! (the evil Lyings)
3. Chapter: I´m unique. Being fully myself is important (the 3 different flowers)
4. Chapter: I shine! Sharing my light makes it bigger (the inner light)
5. Chapter: I have a battery - and all batteries need to be loaded (loading the phone/battery)

Each chapter is followed by short assignments that can help the reader understand the topic and themselves in a deeper way.

About the author

Hi! My name is Fjóla María. I live in Reykjavik with my 11 year old daughter, Yrja, and our labrador dog named Bjartur. I am a creative and intuitive person and extremely passionate about learning as much as I can about the things that I find most interesting - human nature, self-development, physical and mental health from a holistic point of view, how to help kids and teens be their happiest and truest versions, parenting, healing trauma and spiritual practice.

Why this book?

I know extremely well what it´s like to be a kid and teenager dealing with severe inner pain. I grew up in a broken home, went to 10 elementary schools in 2 countries, was mentally ill, had the worst self-image possible, went through trauma, bullying and isolation.

It brakes my heart every time I see or hear about kids or teens that are suffering. When that happens - I want nothing more than to help them. I want to help them see their beautiful soul and how wonderful they are, with unique qualities. That is why I made this book. This is the book that I so desperately needed to read when I was a young girl, and I am certain it can help countless other kids. I hope this book will find all the kids who need it the most, and all the other kids too, because it plants some really good seeds in the minds and hearts of those who read it.

I need your help

This book has been in the making for a long time and it´s finally ready in both icelandic and english. I need to reach the founding goal to be able to print it and I ask for your help so I can make that happen.

Thank you so much for your support.

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Seeking funding

Fund this project

This project will only be funded if €3000 or more is pledged before 2024-05-10 00:00.


raised of €3,000 goal


days to go



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