Ég er að safna fyrir framleiðlsu á sundfatnaði, hönnun vörunnar er komin verður kannksi smá breytt í ferlinu (Litir). Framleiðslan á að vera umhverfisvæn og henta vel fyrir sjó og sundmenningu.
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In Progress

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raised of €3,500 goal


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Petra Bender

  • Textile Print Designer


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Sundföt By Petra Bender

  • Sniðteikningar
  • Tækniteikningar
  • Fyrsta prótótýpa
  • Heimasíða
  • Myndartaka
  • Lookbook
  • Umbúðir

Further Information

Sundfatnaður er hugsaðir fyrir íslenska sjósunds menningu, með þægindi í huga. Það er endurskyn í saumunum á fatnaðnum sem er hugsað til að þú sjáist í myrkri. Snið og loka útlit er komið, litir á vörunni geta breyst í loka framleiðslu og verður einn bolur dekkri á litin og annar skærari en með sama snið.

Swimwear collection inspired for ocean swimming and surfing, you can preorder a swimwear or other products to assist help my fundraising my first swimwear collection. Ocean friendly material. My other designs on Instagram below: bypetrabender

I am raising money for production of a sustainable swimwear collection. The stitching of the swimwear is made from reflective material with the idea being that you can be seen from the ocean when swimming in the dark. The design of the swimsuit is finished. The colors of the swimsuits might change during the final production stage. The design of the swimsuits will be the same but one will be darker than the other.

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In Progress

This project has been successfully funded and is now executing.


raised of €3,500 goal


days to go



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