Kaktus Art Collective is moving home. We need to make some modifications in the new place and need your help to finance it. By helping us we can continue to host exhibitions and happenings and give artists, both young and more experienced.
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Kaktus flytur heim

  • Undirritun leigusamnings á Ketilhúsinu 
  • Skipulagning á nýju rými Kaktusar
  • Breytingar á vatnslögnum og rafmagni
  • Fjarlægja og smíða veggi
  • Málningarvinna og annar frágangur
  • Flutningar í Ketilhús
  • Formleg opnun á nýjum stað

Further Information

Lista- og menningarfélagið Kaktus flytur nú í varanlegt húsnæði

Now it's time for Kaktus to move home. We are moving to a building called Ketilhús. The upper floors are part of Akureyri Art museum and our new facilities will be on the ground floor

It is a great space for Kaktus operations, such as exhibitions, concerts, and work shops. Nevertheless we need to make some modifications to the space and we ask for your support and help to finance it.
By helping us we can continue to host exhibitions and happenings and give artists, both young and more experienced, their chance to promote their art in our unique surroundings.

Kaktus art collective was founded in Akureyri on 23rd of January 2015. The objective of Kaktus is to present and promote a wide variety of art in Akureyri and to support both local artists and elsewhere from.

Since January 2015 Kaktus has hosted over 200 art events of a wide variety. Artists from all over the country and foreign ones have exhibited, held concerts and made all kinds of art in the Kaktus spaces.

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This project is now finished.


raised of €2,500 goal


days to go



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