Shadows is the first solo album by the icelandic musician Aldís Fjóla, which will be released in June 2020. Collaborating with Aldís Fjóla is Stefán Örn Gunnlaugsson, songwriter and producer.
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Aldís Fjóla - Shadows LP

  • Upptökur og hljóðvinnsla á lögum 1-8
  • Upptökur á síðustu tveimur lögum í Stúdíó Bambus
  • Hljóðjöfnun í Skonrokk Studios
  • Hljóðblöndun í Stúdíó Bambus
  • Hönnun og umbrot umslags
  • Myndataka fyrir umslag
  • Framleiðsla á vínylplötum
  • Upplagið sent til Íslands
  • Útgáfa júní 2020

Further Information

Aldís Fjóla is a singer/songwriter from the small town Borgarfjörður eystra in Iceland. She has been singing since she was young. Three years ago she started collaborating with Stefán Örn Gunnlaugsson and by that, magic happened. Shadows will include 10 songs, all written by Aldís Fjóla and Stefán Örn.
The first seven songs are already on Spotify under the artist page, Aldís Fjóla.

The work process on Shadows has been so rewarding and many musicians have come to Studio Bambus to help us. Stefán himself plays most of the instruments on the album, as well as producing and mixing the album. Other great musicians on the album are Halldór Sveinsson on violin, Birgir Bragason on Double bass and Kristófer Nökkvi Sigurðsson on drums. The album is mastered by Sigurdór Guðmundsson/Skonrokk Studios in Denmark.
The Artwork on the album is by the photographer Ingibjörg Torfadóttir.

The album on LP is due to be released in June 2020. Two concerts will be held, one in Aldís's hometown of Borgarfjörður eystra on June 26th and the other one in Kornhlaðan, Reykjavík on sept 18th.

You can learn more about Aldís Fjóla and her music on these media:
Spotify: Aldís Fjóla
Facebook: Aldís Fjóla
Instagram: aldisfjolamusic

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raised of €3,000 goal


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