"Ace and the new friend" is a debut book by twin sisters Alexía Erla H H and Margrét Ósk H H. the story is about a surprise friendship between an Icelandic sheep dog and an Artic fox.
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raised of €4,400 goal


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Alexia Erla Hallgrimsdottir

  • penni

Margrét Ósk H Hallgrimsdóttir

Creator and graphic designer
Grafískur hönnuður


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  • Útgáfupartí!

Further Information

"Ace and the new friend" is a debut book by twin sisters Alexía Erla H H and Margrét Ósk H H. the story is about a surprise friendship between an Icelandic sheep dog and an Artic fox. Alexía wrote the story and Margrét did the artwork.

Our logo "Merla" is a combination of our grandmothers names, Erla and Margrét. Erla worked as head of the library of Álftanes for many years and we used you hang around the library and thats when our interest in book design and stories began.

€25 - Sent in Iceland,
€35 - World Wide Shipping.

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In Progress

This project has been successfully funded and is now executing.


raised of €4,400 goal


days to go



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