I want to develop and make an Icelandic clock for the sight-impaired and blind. The reason and motivation for this idea is that the grandmother became blind and had difficulties keeping track of time. This will be the worlds first clock to speak icelandic.
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raised of €6,000 goal


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Björn Á. Magnússon

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  • Hönnun og smíði frumgerðar
  • Amma fær frumgerð í hendurnar
  • Leitað að framleiðanda
  • Viðræður við framleiðanda, hönnun og skipulag
  • Drög að viðskiptaáætlun
  • Karolina Fund
  • Vefsíðugerð lokið
  • Fjármögnun lokið
  • Pöntun lokið frá framleiðanda, Íslandsklukkan á leiðinni til Íslands
  • Íslandsklukkan fer í almenna sölu

Further Information

The reason for this project is that my grandmother became blind and tried to watch the time using the phone and the radio.
I did not think that was enough so I was going to buy a talking clock that could tell her the time easily.
Such a clock did not exist and I decided to make a clock.

I did not have the knowledge of such construction and decided to look for more skilled people and send a post to engineering students and put an advertisement at the University of Iceland and emails to all those who I could think of.
Halldór at Elab and helped me a lot with components , composition and coding, all in voluntary work. The box around the clock was built in Fablab and final adjustment made.

My grandmother has used the clock for over a year now.

Soon I saw that more people who could benefit from such a clock and started looking for a manufacturer, calculating costs and trying to find a solution to how to implement the project.

Cost is minimized and the goal of the project is to add quality to life in a simple and cost-effective manner.

The icelandic clock is battery powered and lightweight so it's easy to take it between rooms or even continents when traveling.

The Icelandic clock has one role, to tell the time. Everyone should be able to start using it as soon as the clock is in its hands.

The main objective of the project is to increase the quality of life of the blind and visual impairment in a simple and cost-effective way, but potentially, it will benefit more, for example. children who are learning to use a clock, tourists and people who are interested in Iceland and the Icelandic language.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/islandsklukkan/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/islandsklukkan/
Youtube: https://youtu.be/ASroJfch8po
Twitter: @islandsklukkan
Netfang: islandsklukka@islandsklukka.is

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In Progress

This project has been successfully funded and is now executing.


raised of €6,000 goal


days to go



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