With My Mindful Diary the user is given a comprehensive Mindful toolkit at the same time the diary is as a perfect way to plan the day, months and year. Yet, the user has in his hands a technique he can transfer to other walks of life and business to make more mindful decisions in life.
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Anna Margrét Skúladóttir

Anna Margrét lauk BA námi í Sálfræði frá Háskólanum á Akureyri 2007, síðar frá Árósar Háskóla Cand. Psych meistara námi í Sálfræði 2010 og í PhD nám við Kaupmannahafnar Háskóla. Hún hefur lagt rækt við Núvitund (Mindfulness) frá 2002, þar sem hún byrjaði að læra frá MiCBT stofnunin í Melbourne.
  • Mindfulness, Psychology, Happiness, Health, Mindful Eating, Mindful Living, Yoga, Life skills, Organizing, Planning, Presence, Being you in your life with your life.
  • Sálfræði, Mindfulness, Hugleiðsla, Uppbygging, Jafnvægi, Mindful Eating, Skipulag, Sammkennd og heilbrigði

Further Information

The Diary is a treasure of work over 12 years, whereas I gather together the wisdom and calmness that helps the user for his/her journey in Mindful living and training over a year to come. Without a doubt then this diary can bring you peace, calmness, wisdom and more awareness for body and mind in a Mindful year to come.

Mindless eating: · Eating your past full and ignoring your intuiton of real needs.· Eating when our emotions tell us to eat (when; sad, bored, upset, ..etc.)· Eating alone at random time and places, without meaning.· Emotional comforting eating (You think you deserve it but are in denial of your real needs).· Eating and multitasking (fast food on the go).· Compensating a meal as means to good job or end of a struggle (over due).

Mindful eating: · Listening to your body and stop when full.· Eating when our bodies tell us to eat (fx. Stomach is calling or low energy).· Eating with others as planned and particular settings, Meaningful.· Eating nutritionally healthy food.· When eating, be there not somewhere else.· Be conscious about where food comes, what does it contain, who produces it and on what premises. · Be aware of if this food is good for your health.

Example of Mindful Practice:
I welcome this day, I am grounded and present.
Thoughts come and go, feelings run through my body, my emotions are calm and peaceful.

May I invite you to sit in silence, practice being present in your own skin, in nature if possible. Visualize the fields of calmness and non judgement. Just be with nature and feel the calmness in the peaceful surroundings.

I breath in, I sense my presence.
I breath out, being present grounds my thoughts.

I breath in, I inhale the calmness of my surroundings.
I breath out, I sense calmness in everything around me.

I breath in, my body is calm.
I breath out, my calmness is my strength.

Example of practice:
Be present as the observer of your mind, of your thoughts and emotions as well as your reactions in various situations. - Leave the criticism behind as the diffusion of past experience that has no purpose anymore.

Be at least as interested in your reactions as in the situation or person that causes you to react. Notice also how often your attention is in the past or future. - Sense your body and what reactions comes, observe your thoughts - Is there alignment?

Don't judge or analyze what you observe. Watch the thought, feel the emotion, observe the reaction. Let things be as they are without trying to change or shy away. Be present - fully and heartfully.

Don't make a personal problem out of them. You will then feel something more powerful than any of those things that you observe: the still, observing presence itself behind the content of your mind, be still and silent.

Take responsibility for your own reactions, be in the present moment. Acceptance is the first step to realization.

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raised of €12,000 goal


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