Your support is needed to be able to print the book TOP 1% PARENTS RAISE TOP 1% CHILDREN, available to the world. With the right rituals and methods we can significantly increase the creativity and success rate of our children, like the most successful parents currently are doing.
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Huni Hunfjord

  • Film Editing
  • Serial Entreprenuer
  • post production
  • Lua Programming

Further Information

See the book on Amazon


Most of the schooling systems in the world sadly limit the creativity that resides within our children. The schooling is focused on teaching knowledge, while there is a great lack of teaching wisdom. The difference is that we learn many facts in school, but what good are the facts when we are not taught how to use the facts to be more creative or how to apply the knowledge to live a happy and successful life.

I finished my mandatory schooling following that education with a junior college, then university where I got my bachelor’s degree in business from US, then I graduated from post production film school in UK and finally got my master’s degree in business from Iceland. Even though I had all this education I was not successful, but wanted to be. It was not until I started to learn from mentors that had achieved success in their lives, how to apply knowledge through wisdom. Each time I learned something from my mentors I always thought to myself “why was I not taught this when I was a child?”. My first experience from a mentor was in 2012 when I started to be coached at the Rich Dad Organization. It was literally like being pulled out of a cave I had lived in all my life and seeing the sunlight for the first time in my life. Since then I have felt that same feeling over and over again while learning how to manifest my dreams, doing mindset work, practicing the law of attraction, performing gratitude rituals and when I started to give when I did not think I could afford it amongst many other life changing methods and rituals, many of them which have become habits today.

The reason I wrote this book is to give parents the tools needed to teach their children to become limitless before the start of schooling or as soon as possible thereafter. To enable them to embrace the true creativity we are all born with and nourish it. Now I am not saying children should not go to school, on the contrary, I think schooling is great in many ways, but not to nurture the creativity and happiness each child should experience. That is where, we, the parents play the biggest role. I started implementing the methods on my youngest child about two years ago, when she was only 3 years old and she amazes me all the time. Children understand much more than we usually give them credit for. I want you to have the methods and rituals I wish I could have known at an early age.

I was lucky enough to have a spiritual father who taught me many positive things, like how to visualize a goal. Just by being able to close my eyes and see the thing happen in my head over and over again until it becomes real. My father also showed me things that have been some of my biggest mindset blocks in my life, like how to not ask for help and do everything myself. My parents brought me up with very little money. I realized that very young and I was always looking for ways to make money with little success. If I could go back in time as me now and talk to my younger version, then I would give myself this advice – "Look at what people are doing that are successful and happy and do as they are doing, learn from them and find a mentor at an early age to become what you truly want to become."

This book is a great start for all parents to implement simple strategies into their lives and teach their children at an early age how to manifest their dreams, how to visualize anything they want to accomplish until it is accomplished, how to start being grateful for all the things they have in their lives right now, how to take responsibility for their reality and how giving works. I did not give until it was put to me in this way – if you can't afford to give 10 cents from each dollar today, you will definitely not be able to give $10.000 out of a $100.000. The mentality of scarcity stays with you even when you start to make some money. It took a lot of courage for me to start giving when I did not think I could. But it is the one of the vital steps to take, to be able to shift your mentality of scarcity to a mentality of abundance. I know that people who are happy are not necessarily the wealthiest, but I also know that the happiest people follow their dreams and make them come true.

This book can be used to teach our children about abundance and how to become wealthy as well, but that is not the main focus - the main focus is teaching them to realize their dreams and make them come true. A big part of being successful and living a prosperous, happy life is not having to worry about finances. Always remember, there is a big difference between being wealthy and not having to worry about bills.

This book is the start to something great, which include a series of lectures, practical online content and other books to come, which will give parents all the tools needed to raise the best generation yet.
I look forward, on your behalf, to the changes that lay ahead and the endless possibilities the future has to offer for you and your family.


I truly believe and know that the methods I talk about in this bookwork, but what is the hidden message in the book? The hidden message is that by a parent picking this book up and starting to teach their children, they will benefit the most to start with, then their children will as well. The book will give the family as a whole great value and give the parents who are not already implementing personal growth strategies, the understanding, that when we work on ourselves and then teach our children the same, that’s when we really are contributing our time for our children's futures.


I encourage you to implement the rituals and methods and find out for yourself. I know that the rituals and methods work, but I am not asking you to believe it blindly, try it and see if your circumstances in life will not be completely different after implementing rituals until they become lifelong habits. Once a ritual becomes a habit and you start to do the habit daily without thinking about it, you become unconsciously competent. Doing the habits with ease, like walking is to most of the parents around the world, they walk around without putting much conscious effort into it.

Last Chapter in the book - IN CLOSING

Firstly I want to congratulate you on taking action, getting this book, reading it and implementing new routines into your life. When we do anything in life it always starts with a thought. Now you have taken the initiative on your journey to personal growth and including your children on the journey as well.

The world’s best transmitter and receiver for frequency, is your mind. You influence your children by the energy frequency you live in, and they learn not only from what you tell them and show them,but even more from how you are sending out your frequency. We must learn to be grateful for today and this is a never ending process, each day finding the positive things in life and expressing our gratitude for those things. Step into the identity we really want to be, TODAY, and live like all our dreams are already realized.

All the methods and rituals discussed in the book are not written into stone so to speak, you have the permission to adjust and adapt these rituals how it fits best into your family environment, and I encourage you to do so. You may use the information in this book how it best suits you, you can teach it to your children and you may use the content as your own in your own words. I am not the inventor of these methods I am only the messenger who has brought together information from some the most successful people on the planet, I have merely put them into plain terms and adjusted some of the methods for parents to be able to teach their children how to become the best generation yet. The process of self improvement is often hard but most of the time fun and exciting. Enjoy the time you spend teaching this to your children. Remember that when you start to teach this material the better you will become at it yourself. I learned that when I worked as an adjunct professor at the University of Akureyri, that the material I already knew, I did not truly get it, until I started teaching the material myself.

Now that you have spent time on reading this book, make sure to implement as much as possible, but you don’t have to do it all at once, start by implementing something new into your daily rituals TODAY and see what changes lay ahead. I know you will be pleasantly surprised to see how your child will soak in the material like a sponge.

What grabbed your attention first time reading the book?

Was it to teach your child a gratitude ritual each day?

Or was it to teach your child how to manifest their dream into reality?

Maybe it was to teach them about charity and giving, by letting them participate in making someone's else's life better or helping you in volunteering for a cause?

Will you pick out tasks for your children to give them cognitive challenges and developing their brain functionality?

Are you willing to try intermittent fasting once a week were the family does only drink water for 12-18 hours and changing their metabolism and developing ketones for the brain?

Will you encourage your children to play sports?

Maybe the practice of having three piggy banks sounds like a good idea to start with and teaching your children how to divide money saved into, fun money, charity money and savings?

Are you going to teach your child how to raise their frequency by changing their attitude and how positive energy works on the body and soul?

What anchoring techniques will you implement knowingly to trigger a positive response in your child?

Did it catch your attention to teach your child to eliminate words like can’t, won’t, naah/no, impossible and other words that limit their thoughts and actions?

Maybe you want to start with one small thing today and see it compound into their lives with repetition and persistence?

Will you teach your child to be in alignment with their goals and be in the right vibration of receiving their desired goal, by focusing on the goal and thinking positive thoughts and raising their vibrational frequency into alignment with their goals?


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