We invite our friends to support our partner Girls Rock! Camp in Poland to organise an anti violence themed camp for 14 to 19 year old girls in Poland. In turn you will receive our brand new Stelpur rokka! ( Girls Rock! Iceland) 5 year anniversary merchandise!
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Break the silence!

  • Auglýsa búðir / advertise the camp
  • Skrá þátttakendur / participant registration
  • Finna húsnæði fyrir rokkbúðir / find housing for rock camp
  • Finna konur í kennslu, hljómsveitastjórn og vinnusmiðjur/ book teachers, band leaders and workshop organisers
  • Framkvæma rokkbúðir í júlí / execute rock camp in July
  • Gefa út safndisk á netinu / distribute cd online

Further Information

The need for an antiviolence themed girls rock! camp in Poland

Times are hard for feminist activists in Poland. Since the socially conservative Law and Justice party won the parliamentary elections last October, the government has been implementing controversial reforms that restrict normal democratic checks and balances. The government and the president have declared that the church authorities are formal consultants in policy and decision making . They openly preach that the idea of gender “ideology” is the root of all evil and threatens the family.

The government is currently lobbying to change the current abortion law to completely prohibit abortion, even in the case of rape or if the pregnancy is a threat to the woman's life. The use of Emergency Contraceptive Pills (morning after pills) will also be prohibited and punishable by law. The new government plans to withdraw the ratification of the Convention on Preventing and Combating violence against women and domestic violence. Numerous protests have taken place in Poland against this ominous process, and the world media monitors the country closely.

The situation that women's rights and gender equality activists are faced with is alarming and downright dangerous. Organisations that fight for women's rights face public discrimination. There is no chance of obtaining public funds for social justice work because it is not in accordance with the current government policy. Anti-Violence education practically doesn’t exist in Poland.

Foundation for Positive Change and the girls rock! camp

It is therefore extremely important that the Stelpur rokka! team support our friends and co-workers in the Polish organisation Foundation for Positive Change. We have been working closely with Anna, Alina and the rest of their wonderful team for the last 3 years. They have been working to educate girls and women about violence prevention since 2012. They have an important role to play as a watchdog organisation in Poland, lobbying against local and national policy and law changes that harm women. They are a part of the Girls Rock Camp Alliance and have had 3 girls rock camps in the South of Poland in the last 2 years.

The Foundation for Positive Change team are planning a 4 day anti violence themed rock camp for 12 girls in the South of Poland in July. The theme of the camp will be "Breaking the Silence". At camp, participants will learn how to play an instrument, play in a band and write an original song, attend workshops on self defence, consent, anti-violence activism, feminism and other social justice themed issues, and record their song in a studio, to be released online, in a compilation album alongside with songs from the Icelandic rock camp.

Stelpur rokka! will also host a overnight anti violence themed rock camp for 20 girls and trans youth from July 21st to July 24th. Registration and more info can be found here: www.stelpurrokka.org/sudurnes/

We want to invite our friends and supporters to help our wonderful partners in Poland by donating to our campaign. Our supporters will receive brand new Stelpur rokka! 5 year anniversary merchandise.

What we will do for the money

All donations go directly to the polish rock camp. The 1000 Euros will be used to organise and execute a 4 day rock camp for 12 girls that will include:

* WenDo self defence training workshop
* A Workshop on feminism and social justice
* Instrument lessons on keys, bass guitar, guitar, vocals & drums
* Lyrics workshop
* Band practices
* One warm meal per day
* Recording and online distribution of camp songs

We are grateful for your support and your belief in our mission to empower girls and women through making music and being loud!

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