The Band Eva wants to give people the opportunity to be able listen to their songs sitting in a comfortable chair at home. But they need a little help to make this dream of making an album come true.
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raised of €3,000 goal


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Vala Höskuldsdóttir

phone: 868-3803
  • Musician & theater maker

Sigríður Eir Zophoníasardóttir

phone: 696-8128
  • Musician & theater maker


To add milestones and tasks to your plan, please send them via e-mail to Tell us which tasks you have already finished (checked) and which ones are left.

Showing what the plan is for your project helps build trust with potential backers.

Studio work

  • Recording
  • Mixing
  • Mastering

Album Production

  • Artwork
  • Production
  • Send digital album to backers
  • Send album to backers

Further Information

--- English description below ---

Hljómsveitin Eva saman stendur af Völu Höskuldsdóttur og Sigríði Eir Zophoníasardóttur og var stofnuð fyrir einu og hálfu ári síðan. Við erum tvær leiklistarmenntaðar konur sem ákváðum af miklum áhuga en einnig mikilli vankunnáttu að stofna hljómsveit af þeirri einföldu ástæðu að við höfum óbilandi unun af því að syngja. Síðan við byrjuðum að spila saman fyrir einu og hálfu ári hefur margt gerst. Meðal annars kann Sigga núna fleiri en 3 grip á gítar og við erum búnar að fá Grímu tilnefningu fyrir tónlist sem við sömdum fyrir Gullna hliðið í uppsetningu Leikfélags Akureyrar síðasta vetur.

En núna erum við að búa til plötu sem kemur út fyrir næstu jól. Platan var tekin upp um verslunarmannahelgina á Karlstöðum við Berufjörð og gott ef áhrif sólarinnar, hafsins og fjallana í þessu dásamlega umhverfi munu ekki bara berast í gegnum hljómflutningstækin og heyrast á plötunni.

--- English description ---

The Band Eva consists of Vala Höskuldsdóttur and Sigríður Eir Zophoníasardóttur and was formed a year and half ago. We are two theatre educated women who decided out of interest but lack of knowledge to form a band because we love to sing. Since we started playing together a lot of things have happened. Sigga can for example play more than three guitar chords and we got a nomination for Gríma (Icelandic theatre awards) for the music we wrote for Gullna hliðið (Icelandic play) in the Leikfélag Akureyrar (Icelandic theatre company) production last winter.

Now we are releasing an album before next christmas.We recently finished recording in Berufjörður (East Iceland) and we think the power of the sun, ocean and mountains in this wonderful environment will echo on the record so you will hear it.

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This project is now finished.


raised of €3,000 goal


days to go



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