Nær hún að kaupa út fyrrverandi? Þarf hún að flytja í úthverfin?
Hrefna Lind is a single mother who lives in the West Town of Reykjavík. She just had a divorce and has a young son. Now she is facing the reality of having to sell the apartment they are living in. Most of all, she wants to continue living there, since it is a wonderful apartment. Instead of giving up, Hrefna came up with a plan.
Hrefna Lind decided to transform her home into an event arena during the campaign. In her struggle for survival, she has written songs about her situation, made music videos, developed the tequila-meditation method for groups, and is currently working on an EP-album, in her effort to raise money to keep the apartment. All of the above, and more, will be available for those who participate in Hrefna’s fundraising campaign. Contribute to the cause and try the tequila-meditation or join an epic party! (Further information on the right).
If there is enough people up for Hrefna Lind’s happenings, she will be able to afford the production cost of her events, and come closer to the objective of buying her ex out of the apartment. Let’s help Hrefna – it IS possible!
My name is Hrefna Lind and I love being a mother and I love my apartment in the West Town. I love creating new experiences. I love meeting new people. I enjoy traveling to exotic countries. To enter the extraordinary and live! YOLO!
I am 31 years old, I have a 7 year old boy who is a genious and I have a bunch of loans. I live in a wonderful apartment in the West Town which I have now transformed into a house of unique experiences. Come visit me ?
What I have to offer:
My first EP album will be published this fall and is called My House. The songs can be described with the words “electronic thoughts on the mundane”. My home is very important to me and the everyday life in the house. In my songwriting I find it intriguing to take all these mundane events we think so much about and expand them into the magical world of fantasy. The album is a collaboration between me and the musician Pétur Eggertsson, who creates the soundworld of the album.
Tequila-meditation is a method I have been developing since I returned from India last year, where I studied meditation and yoga instruction. I have also been developing a concept called theatre-yoga, where I get people over to my house and lead them through this invigorating journey in my living room. I have had groups of friends coming for the experience and this method has also been a hit for bachelor and bachelorette parties.
Everyday life is so beautiful. It’s the little moments that matter the most in life. I open my house to you and we hang out and talk. If you need shelter, I am offering a spacious room to relax in.
I started this project because of a sudden shift in my life. I was starting my further education when the decision of divorce was made. It is a particular experience when your world, your security and your dreams fall apart. As an artist and a single mother in Reykjavík, I want to know how it is possible to pick up the pieces and rearrange them into a new world and a secure existence.
For the project to be successful, I am asking for your help. It is possible, because I have a plan. I only need two million crowns to finance the production of the album, the events and to pay off the mortgage for the next few months. If I can get ten million, my future is secured.
Photographer: Laufey Elíasdóttir.
Videowork: Sigurður Unnar Birgisson.
Karolina Fund ehf © 2025 | Kt: 460712-1570 | VAT: 111464