Eva Michelsen

Ég er mikill frumkvöðull og uni mér best í að byggja upp verkefni með ólíkum einstaklingum og koma þeim á koppinn. Hugmyndin að Eldstæðinu er sprottin út frá eigin þörf með lítinn köku og konfektgerðarrekstur. Það getur verið kostnaðarsamt að koma sér upp eigin framleiðslurými þegar um litla fram

  • co-working space
  • incubator
  • Accounting

I love working on new ideas, learning new things and working with other entrepreneurs.

The idea for Eldstæðið came from my own experience as a food entrepreneur with a small production. I have had access to a test kitchen but as the business grew I felt I needed something more, but not ready to expand to full facilities with the necessary equipment and comitment.

After a visit to the USA in 2017 where I visited a few shared kitchen spaces I found what I was looking for and figured this is something we need in Iceland. We all know about co-working spaces with hot desks etc. Why not share kitchen equipment, storage etc.

For those who want to know who I am and my background. I studied Business administration (BSc) at Reykjavik University and Strategic Management (MSc) at the University of Iceland. I am also a certified guide and certified book keeper and have been working in the entrepreneurial environment since 2011. I was part of the initial team of the Ocean Cluster House from 2012 to 2017 and the Center for Quality of Life at St. Jo from 2018-2020.

In fall 2018 I received a grant from Rising North to create proof of concept with the Nordic Kitchen Workshops which were hosted in Iceland, Stockholm - Sweden and Helsinki - Finland.

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