Klara Kalkusova

Klara has been creatively expressing herself ever since she can remember. As a child she liked to play a role of a writer, creating fictional stories and later on in her teenagehood the fiction was not a fiction anymore and stories turned into poems. Passionate about language and life, words have been written ever since. Some of them can be read on her blog https://offshegoes.wordpress.com/ .

Once writing and expressing through words became a second nature to her she felt the need to create with her hands. Silversmithing had been a dream for way too long so she decided to pursue it and in 2016 Klara went to Rajasthan, India to study with a silversmith Divya Soni. From then on ideas were transformed into jewelry. As a yoga teacher, Klara is used to ´going with the flow´ and improvise, tuning into an energy of a place, people, sounds and transforming it into creation. Most of her work is inspired by music, stories and landscapes, elements and also by yoga, playing with the theme of ´duality´, mixing silver and copper, fine polish and raw look. Her education is a decade of traveling around the planet and only after coming to Iceland she felt like staying put for a while, getting inspired by the dramatic landscape, the theme of fire and ice, mountains and ocean...

She is based in Listastofan, an artistic hub of Reykjavik.


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