Jóhanna Gunnþóra Guðmundsdóttir

Jóhanna er 24 ára og Lofthrædda fjallageitin er hennar fyrsta bók. Hún útskrifaðist með B.A. úr heimspeki og viðskiptafræði vorið 2017. Á tímabili glímdi Jóhanna við kvíða og er Lofthrædda fjallageitin innblásin af þeirri tilfinningu. Hún hefur ástríðu fyrir málefnum tengdum tilfinningum og telur mikilvægt að ræða um þær til þess að uppræta skömmina sem þeim getur fylgt. 


Jóhanna is 24 years old and The Mountain Goat who was Afraid of Heights is her first book. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy and business in 2017. Jóhanna has suffered from anxiety and that feeling inspired her to write this book. She has a passion for emotional related issues, such as anxiety and depression, and how we can overcome them. Jóhanna feels that by talking about our emotions we could eradicate the feeling of shame it may lead to, as shame ultimately leads to more distress.

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