Birkir Sigurjónsson

Production Coordinator at 23 Frames

  • Production Coordinator
  • Event Hosting

I'm the Production Coordinator of project Mara. This is my first feature film. I never thought I would actually be producing a full length horror film but here I am in the deep end of the pool.
My film making days started in the Icelandic Film Academy where I studied acting. Upon graduation I won the best graduation film of the actor’s department. It was a big step for me because while I had to be the main actor in my film I was also the Executive Producer and ended up producing,, running, location scouting and of course write the script of my graduation film. So I graduated as an actor but I have always viewed myself as a sort of all around filmmaker.

A fun fact is that after my graduation, instead of doing film-acting or filmmaking in general to the max I experimented with event hosting and P.R. It resulted in my ARTivist Events project which you can learn more about here. For one and a half year I have been focusing on event management and so far I have already organized 10 concerts by myself and taken part in more concerts than I care to count with large names like Stuðmenn, Valdimar, Nýdönsk, Shades of Reykjavík and Gísli Pálmi. All while working normal jobs on the side. It has truly been a remarkable experience and I have had the honor to work with some of Icelands most up and coming artists, mostly in hiphop and electro punk/spokenword music performance with visual art to spice things up a bit more.

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