Stephan Stephensen

Emotional Carpenter / Radio Bongo

  • Emotional Carpenter

Stephan Stephensen (f.1971) gengur undir ýmsum nöfnum, en þar má helst nefna: President Bongo, Gluteus Maximus og ADSR.

President Bongo var ein helsta driffjöður hljómsveitarinnar Gusgus frá stofnun hennar árið 1995 til ársins 2015, er hann yfirgafsveitina til að einbeita sér að beittari verkefnum í þágu íslenskrar tónlistar.

President Bongo hefur á eigin spýtur gefið út fjölda hljómplatna, smáskífna og endurhljóðblandana undanfarna áratugi, auk þess sem hann hefur „pródúserað“ verk annarra listamanna og hljómsveita.

Stephan Stephensen (b.1971) aka President Bongo aka Gluteus Maximus aka ADSR aka aka President Penis wears many hats, but likes to refer to himself as ‘an emotional carpenter’.

President Bongo began properly mastering his craft as a founding member of the pioneering electronic band GusGus, which has steadily gone from strength to strength since forming in 1995.

As GusGus, Gluteus Maximus and ADSR have evolved and progressed through the years Bongo remains a key element, making innumerable contributions through his work, which has ranged from design, film & photography to singing, songwriting, and production.

In spring 2015, however, President Bongo leaves GusGus after 20 years of loyal service to become his own master's voice.

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