Þór Hilmarsson

Accounting, finance and planing. Project- and strategic management. Lover of interesting people and the arts.

  • Book-keeping
  • Planing
  • Strategy
  • Start-ups

Call me Ishmael... or better yet, don't! I honestly have no Idea why I began with that sentence. I've been staring at this blank piece of text area for a while now and I can't think of anything to write down. For some reason all I could think of was plagiarizing Herman Melville and since the thought stuck with me... I just did. Plus it's sort of catchy and a decent icebreaker.

Anyway, let's do the CV-thing: I'm a MSc graduate of management accounting with both CEO and CFO experience. Experienced in academia, I've done both lecturing and other academic work at an advanced level in the field of accounting. I am highly interested in innovation and start-ups, especially when it comes to creative industries and welcome a chance to work in such an environment. I thrive in dynamic and creative environments with creative and smart people.

I could go on and on about the personal stuff; what it involves to be "me", but in the end, it doesn't really matter*... not really. Here's what does matter: Every day I try to be a little less of an asshole and a little more of a friend. A little less of a know-it-all and a little more adventurous. And so I cook a good meal, tend to my balcony garden, listen to some good music and surround myself with friends. "Life's a journey, not a destination" sang Steven Tyler, and let's be honest... a man that's dressed like that for three decades can't be all wrong.

*Accidental Linking Park quote.

Me, sans beard, having a blast as part of a good friend's float at 2013 Reykjavik Pride with my girlfriend. Luckily she is extremely understanding of the crazy ideas I get.

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