Soffía Reynisdottir

  • Multimedia Designer
  • post production
  • Premier Pro

Hi, I am Soffía. I am a multimedia designer but I have multiple skills and experiences besides that. I have worked all kinds of jobs and enjoy learning new things.

I grew up in a family of entrepreneurs and soaked the idealism of entrepreneurship in during my upbringing. Coming up with new ideas and striving to find ways to execute them is not always easy but it is always interesting.

My team in this particular project is my family and friends.

I grew up in a big family and a house full of people who came to participate in what ever was being done at the time.

We were never a conventional family but we work well together and have a common interest in horsemanship and in conveying ideas and knowledge about horses and riding.

That is why we decided to keep working on the project we started a few years ago. That is the project we are now introducing to you here on

The idealism behind our interest is to promote horse friendly methods.

My part in the project is to be the project manager and multimedia designer. I handle the technical stuff and try to organise the whole thing.

I hope you enjoy reading about our project and that it interests you, I would love to hear from you and to know what you think. We welcome new ideas to implement in the future, ideas for content or maybe new authors for material on our website.

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