Help A & E Sounds release their self-titled debut album on 180 gr. vinyl with original artwork and more...
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raised of €3,500 goal


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Þórður Grímsson

Singer & songwriter

Kolbeinn Soffíuson

  • Sound Engineer


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A & E Sounds — LP

  • Recording
  • Mixing
  • Mastering
  • Packaging and layout
  • Manufacturing the product
  • Distribute
  • Send rewards to supporters

Further Information

A & E Sounds is a collaborative music/visual project between Þórður Grímsson and Kolbeinn Soffíuson.

In early 2014, whilst studying at Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Þórður began writing demos for the project called A & E Sounds. Over a period of 5 months, 30 demos were recorded and released on Soundcloud.

In the fall of 2014 Þórður and Kolbeinn—who was studying sound engineering at the time— brought a selection of the demos to Studio Sýrland and finalised the LP which would serve as Kolbeinn's graduation project in December 2014.

During the production they collaborated with various musicians such as organist Steinar Logi, pianist Þóranna Dögg Björnsdóttir, drummer Orri Einarsson, singer Jessica Meyer and the Bartónar men's choir. Recordings were made at Control 1 in Studio Sýrland, Hallgrímskirkja church in central Reykjavík and their private studio in Reykjavík, where the record was also mixed and mastered.

In the spring of 2015 Þórður will graduate from the graphic design department at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. For his graduation project he will present the graphic and art aspect of the record, resulting in 500 copies of 180 gram vinyl, top quality print, original artwork and layout.

The goal is to raise money for the vinyl pressing and print material of 500 copies. The music is fully produced and this fund will only be used for the production of the physical album. Those who sponsor the project will be pre-ordering a copy of the finished product.

Icelandic version:

A & E Sounds er samstarfsverkefni Þórðar Grímssonar og Kolbeins Soffíusonar og hafa þeir síðastliðna mánuði verið að leggja lokahönd á fyrstu breiðskífu hljómsveitarinnar.

Hugmyndin að A & E Sounds kviknaði hjá Þórði vorið 2014 þegar hann stundaði nám við Weissensee listaháskólann í Berlín og samdi hann þar um 30 lög sem hann gaf út á Soundcloud. Kolbeinn er nýútskrifaður úr hljóðtækni frá Stúdíó Sýrlandi og var umrædd plata lokaverkefni hans í því námi.

Þórður útskrifast í vor úr grafískri hönnun við Listaháskóla Íslands og mun fyrir lokasýningu LHÍ hanna allt myndrænt útlit plötunnar sem verður í 500 prentuðum 180 gramma vínyl eintökum.

Meðal tónlistarmanna sem koma fram á plötunni eru organistinn Steinar Logi, kórinn Bartónar, trommarinn Orri Einarsson, píanóleikarinn Þóranna Dögg Björnsdóttir og söngkonan Jessica Meyer. Upptökurnar voru gerðar í Stúdíó Sýrlandi, Hallgrímskirkju og í hljóðveri þeirra Kolbeins og Þórðar á Skúlagötu.

Þórður og Kolbeinn hafa nú hafið söfnun til þess að fjármagna pressun á 500 vínylplötum og prentun á myndefni. Söfnunin stendur til 6. apríl og geta þeir sem styrkja söfnunina pantað eintak af plötunni í forsölu.

For hints of upcoming graphic/visual aspect of this project and past endeavours; visit Þórður's sites in the following links:

Til þess að skoða nánar þetta verkefni og önnur verkefni Þórðar eru hér meðfylgjandi vefsíður:

Sunday driver (music video)

Australian visual artist Jonathan McCabe mixes mathematical equations from Alan Turing with computer processing and makes these beautifully generically organic colour abstractions in motion.

A & E Sounds are proud to announce their collaboration with Jonathan resulting in this amazing music video.

Icelandic version:

Ástralski listamaðurinn Jonathan McCabe blandar stærðfræðiformúlum Alan Turing við tölvuvinnslu og útkoman er þetta lífræna samspil lita á hreyfingu.

A & E Sounds kynna með stolti samstarf sitt við Jonathan McCabe í þessu fallega myndbandi.

Thank you for taking the time to look at our project; if not for anything else but your time!

Takk fyrir!

Sunday driver (Single) + Strawberry Letter 23 (b-side/cover)

Free download at:

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This project is now finished.


raised of €3,500 goal


days to go



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