Dúndurfréttir, one of the best Pink Floyd tribute bands, recently performed The Wall with choirs and a symphonic orchestra at the great venue Harpa, Iceland. The event was filmed and now the band wants to release it as a DVD with your help.
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To add milestones and tasks to your plan, please send them via e-mail to info@karolinafund.com. Tell us which tasks you have already finished (checked) and which ones are left.

Showing what the plan is for your project helps build trust with potential backers.

The concert

  • Perform in Harpa
  • Film the event
  • Create a DVD teaser

The music

  • Editing
  • Mixing
  • Mastering


  • Editing
  • Album design
  • Get everything ready!
  • DVD production
  • Send rewards to supporters

Further Information

Félagarnir í Dúndurfréttum héldu á dögunum þrenna, uppselda og algerlega frábæra hljómleika í Eldborg, þar sem meistaraverk Pink Floyd –THE WALL- var flutt í heild sinni. Með Dúndurfréttum var 35 manna sinfóníuhljómsveit ásamt Bernharði Wilkinsson stjórnanda , 30 manna kór (Hljómeyki) og 20 krakkar úr Kárnsesskóla. Þegar mest lét voru yfir 90 manns á sviðinu. Það er mat flestra, sem fóru þessa hljómleika, að sjaldan hafi flottari tónleikar verið haldnir í Eldborg.

Dúndurfréttir - Another brick in the wall from Studio Syrland on Vimeo.

Þetta var allt saman tekið upp í bestu fáanlegu gæðum. Bæði hljóð og mynd. Og nú er hugmyndin að gefa þetta út saman á DVD og CD.

En það er umfangsmikið verkefni að gefa svona út og því var ákveðið að athuga með hvort ekki væri hægt að leita til þeirra sem hafa áhuga á að styrkja þetta verkefni og á sama tíma eignast DVD/CD disk af þessum hljómleikum.

One of the best tribute bands of Pink Floyd- Dúndurfréttir- performed PINK FLOYD´S THE WALL- at the great venue of ELDBORG in Harpa - with a symphonic orchestra and choirs. It sold out three times and it got 5 star reviews everywhere…

It was filmed and now the band wants to release a DVD/CD from these magnificent concerts. That costs a lot and that is why we are here at Karolinafund to find out if people want to help us make this great concert come to live again in a DVD/CD.

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This project is now finished.


raised of €20,000 goal


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