We are re-releasing all three of our albums on special limited edition vinyl!
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raised of €6,500 goal


days to go



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RX Beckett

  • Music Management

Alison MacNeil

  • Music Industry Networking
  • Production


To add milestones and tasks to your plan, please send them via e-mail to info@karolinafund.com. Tell us which tasks you have already finished (checked) and which ones are left.

Showing what the plan is for your project helps build trust with potential backers.

Get the products ready

  • Finish packaging and layout for the vinyl records.
  • Prepare the masters for vinyl (limiting and re-mastering where necessary)

Deliver the product specs to the vinyl manufacturing plant

  • Upload to PHD in the UK
  • Have records manufactured

And finally..

  • Get the records delivered to Iceland
  • Send the perks to our great supporters
  • Distribute records
  • Profit!

Further Information


Check out some pictures and info on the project at Kimono's Facebook page.

And buy the record here

We’ve been around for 13 years and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon! That means it's time for us to cash in on our legacy and bringing back the classics. To celebrate our thirteen years as a band, we are re-releasing all three of our albums on special limited edition vinyl!

Since forming in 2001, we have released three albums that we’re very proud of – mineur-aggressif (2003), Arctic Death Ship (2005) and Easy Music for Difficult People (2009). We are very humbled that they have all been met with great acclaim. However, despite high demand from our listeners, we never had the chance to put them out on vinyl, a format we very much like. Now that we are in the process of recording our fourth album – which is going to be awesome! – we have the perfect opportunity to finally do this. 

To accomplish this mission, we are launching this campaign as a presale to help us manufacture and distribute the records. Each album will be re-mastered and pressed on beautiful 180gm vinyl in numbered gatefold sleeves. Each album will include limited edition artwork, including exclusive prints by Hugleikur Dagsson and lyric sheet inserts.

Buy and file them between Killing Joke and The Kinks on your shelf to impress your friends with your mastery of the alphabet! Proudly display them on your mantle for your mastery of great taste! Keep them permanently on your turntable until the end of time! We thank you!

Please check out the video at the top of the page!

Video credits: Host: Sindri Már Sigfússon, Direction & Sound: RX Beckett, Videography & Editing: Óðinn Dagur Bjarnason

--- Icelandic description ---

Við erum ennþá hér eftir 13 ár og sýnum ekki á okkur neitt fararsnið!Það þýðir að það sé kominn tími til að skilja eitthvað eftir fyrir komandi kynslóðir, til að uppgötva hvernig þetta var gert í þá gömlu góðu daga. Til að fagna þrettán ára afmæli okkar sem hljómsveit, þá ætlum við að endurútgefa plöturnar okkar á vínyl í takmörkuðu upplagi.

Frá stofnun bandsins árið 2001, höfum við gefið út 3 plötur sem við erum mjög stolt af: mineur-aggressif (2003), Arctic Death Ship (2005) og Easy Music for Difficult People (2009). Við erum mjög auðmjúk yfir því að þær allar hafa hlotið góðar viðtökur. Þrátt fyrir mikla eftirspurn frá hlustendum, höfum við ekki haft tækifæri til að gefa plöturnar út á vinyl fyrr, þó við séum mjög hrifin af því sniði. Við erum að vinna að upptökum á okkar fjórðu plötu, -sem verður frábær!- og núna er því fullkomið tækifæri til að gera þetta loksins.

Til að ná þessu markmiði, þá förum við af stað með þessa forsölu-herferð til að hjálpa okkur við að framleiða og dreifa plötunum. Hver plata kemur í takmörkuðu upplagi og verður endurhljóðjöfnuð (re-mastered) og pressuð á glæsilegan 180 gr. vínyl í númeruðum tvöföldum (gatefold) hulstrum. Hver plata mun innihalda listaverk í sérstakri útgáfu, þar á meðal einstakar myndir frá Hugleiki Dagssyni og textablöð inni í albúminu.

Kaupið plöturnar og raðið þeim milli Killing Joke og The Kinks á hillunni og sýnið vinum ykkar hvað þið eruð miklir stafrófssnillingar. Stillið þeim upp á arininn til sönnunar góðum smekk ykkar. Skellið þeim á fóninn og hafið þær þar um aldur og ævi. Við þökkum ykkur!

Estimated delivery time for pledges and return policy?

Estimated 30 days for delivery of pledge incentives and 60 day return policy for any defective or damaged merchandise. No refunds or returns for the cover song, living room concert and guided tour incentives.

For any pledge over 200 euros, people can add an extra 50 euro to get the three vinyl albums as well.

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This project is now finished.


raised of €6,500 goal


days to go



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{{ reward.stock_reserved }} backer {{ reward.stock_reserved }} backers
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Karolina Fund ehf © 2024 | Kt: 460712-1570 | VAT: 111464