An exciting documentary about the latest media events that have reminiscent of a script for an old James Bond movie. The irony is that the media exposing tax havens seem to be sponsored by tax free foundations.
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Axel Pétur Axelsson


Further Information

About FrelsiTV

FrelsiTV is a channel on the Internet that has covered conspiracy and reality viewed from various angles. The focus has been philosophy, theology, politics and more interesting topics on the edge of our perception. FrelsiTV has held out a channel that already has produced 291 episodes of various kinds. Our English channel is Scandinavian Report.

Behind FrelsiTV

Axel Pétur Axelsson among other things, worked in advertising and marketing since 1985. During this time he has worked with all the variations of multimedia and creative work. Since the collapse of Iceland economy in 2008, he immersed himself in the abyss of deception of the elite that governs the world and aim at world domination.

The documentary

Content of the documentary will be made up to try answer, among others these questions:

1. Where did the data come from?
2. Who delivered the data and who have received it ?
3. What have they given the data done with it ?
4. What has not been informed to the public from the data ?
5. How is Reykjavik Media Ltd. and Kastljós part of the media spin ?
6. What is the purpose of this media spin ?
7. General questions regarding this special issue.

No doubt more sides of a bizarre case will emerge in the production of the documentary.

Estimated length of the film is 60 minutes.

FrelsiTV needs your support

To be able to concentrate on this project, we need your help and ask you kindly for your support. Thanks to all who sponsor us.

We have already done considerable preparatory work and the documentary will be published on Vimeo and YouTube.

We are hoping RÚV will show this documentary to show both sides of the Panama Papers.

This documentary will be published with English subtitles.

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