What did the Vikings eat? We really don’t know but we can make an educated guess using the ingredients according to historical references and clues. Sigurlaugur Ingólfsson and Kristbjörn Helgi Björnsson are historians and are currently working on a Viking age cook book, entitled „A Viking Feast“.
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Further Information

What did the Vikings eat?
We can make an educated guess using the ingredients according to historical references and clues. Sigurlaugur Ingólfsson and Kristbjörn Helgi Björnsson are historians and are currently working on a Viking age cook book, entitled A Viking Feast.
Sigurlaugur´s main interests are the Icelandic Sagas. He studies them intensely, taking notes when he happens upon interestingissues and then he calls his friend Kristbjörn to boast about his findings. In one of those phone calls they started discussing the culinary customs of the Icelandic settlers and the possible ingredients used by them. Sigurlaugur was very enthusiastic about this matter and after talking for hours they decided that a cook book was needed based on the food of the settlers and the many known habits and customs related to cooking and the famous Viking feasts.
They sought the assistance of the renowned chefs Emil Örn Valgarðsson and Ragnar Ómarsson, both former members of the Icelandic National Culinary team as well as recipients of culinary prices and awards. After familiarizing themselves with the many known ingredients used by the Vikings they have put together a vast array of mouth-watering recipes.
The book will be decorated with pictures, both of the many delicious recipes as well as Icelandic landscape and nature. The text will cover all known methods of gathering and hunting for food in the ancient times of the settlement of Iceland. It will also include texts from the Icelandic Sagas. There will be as many as thirty to forty recipes in the book.
Here is a small example from the book´s manuscript:

Cod with whey-sauce and barley
800 gr. cod
1 tsp salt
700 ml water
The cod is put in the water in a pot with the salt and placed on the stove. When the water starts boiling remove the pot from the stove and let it rest for three minutes. Then drain the water from the cod.

1 tbs. butter
50 gr leek
2 tbs. angelica (can be found in speciality stores)
1 clove garlic
1 tbs. kelp (can be found in speciality stores)
150 ml whey
1 tbs. honey
1 tbs. Icelandic skyr
Finely chop the leek, angelica, garlic and kelp. Melt the butter in askillet, add the leek, angelica, garlic and kelp and sauté for a few minutes. Add the whey and the honey and cook for three minutes. Remove the skillet from the heat and gradually add the Icelandic skyr, stirring constantly until it is fully incorporated. Season with salt to taste.

500 ml water
200 gr barley
3 tbs. onion, finely chopped
2 tbs. chives, finely chopped
2 tbs. melted butter
salt to taste
Put the barley in boiling water and simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from the heat and let it cool for a few minutes. Add the onions and the butter and stir until fully mixed.
If you want to make a more modern version of the barley you can add 50gr. cucumber, seeded and cut into small cubes, 2 tomatoes, seeded and cut into cubes and a teaspoon of grated lime zest.

Hvað borðuðu víkingarnir?
Við getum reynt að búa til uppskriftir miðað við það hráefni sem var tiltækt á þessum tíma. Sigurlaugur Ingólfsson og Kristbjörn Helgi Björnsson eru sagnfræðingar. Verkefnið sem þeir eru að vinna að er útgáfa matreiðslubókarinnar Víkingaveisla.
Eitt helsta áhugamál Sigurlaugs er að lesa fornsögur og glósa uppúr þeim texta. Þegar hann telur sig hafa fundið eitthvað áhugavert hringir hann í Kristbjörn til að segja frá uppgötvunum sínum.
Eitt sinn barst talið að matarvenjum og matarhefðum íslenskra landnámsmanna. Þetta þótti Sigurlaugi sérlega áhugavert og eftir margra klukkutíma spjall fengu félagarnir þá hugmynd að gefa út matreiðslubók byggða á hráefnum sem landnámsmenn höfðu aðgang að. Þeir fengu til liðs við sig meistarakokkana Emil Örn Valgarðsson og Ragnar Ómarsson sem nú eru búnir að setja saman ýmsar uppskriftir og rétti úr hráefnalistanum.
Inngangur bókarinnar segir frá fæðuöflun Íslendinga á landnámsöld en í bókinni verða svo um þrjátíu til fjörtíu uppskriftir. Bókin verður einnig skreytt með myndum og sögulegum textum.
Hér er brot úr handriti bókarinnar:
Þorskur með mysusósu og bankabyggi
800 gr. Þorskur
1 tsk salt
700 ml vatn
Allt sett í pott, eftir að suða kemur upp er potturinn tekinn af og látin standa í 3 mínútur.

1 msk smjör
50 gr blaðlaukur
2 msk hvönn
1 geiri hvítlaukur
1 msk þari
150 ml mysa
1 msk hunang
1 msk skyr
Smjörið, saxaður blaðlaukur, hvönn, hvítlaukur og þari léttsteikt. Mysunni er þá bætt útí ásamt hunangi og soðið í 3 mínútur. Þá er sósan tekin af hellunni og skyrinu hrært saman við. Smakkað til með salti.

500 ml vatn
200 gr bankabygg
3 msk laukur fínt saxaður
2 msk saxaður graslaukur
2 msk bráðið smjör
Byggið er soðið í 30 mínútur og kælt. Laukum og smjöri er blandað saman við.
Í nútímalegri útgáfu af bankabygginu má bæta við ásamt laukunum
50 gr gúrka kjarnhreinsuð og skorinn í teninga
2 stk tómatar kjarnhreinsaðir og skornir í teninga
1 tsk rifinn lime börkur

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