The Album “Unnur Sara sings Gainsbourg” is due. It contains 13 songs. The record tries to capture the atmosphere that is created by a live performance. 11 of the songs are sung in French but two of them are sung in Icelandic translations by Þórarinn Eldjárn and Sigurður Pálsson.
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Þetta allt og ekkert - Unnur Sara syngur Gainsbourg

  • December 2017: Album recorded
  • February 2018: Album mixed and making of album cover art
  • July: Cds and vinyls produced
  • August: Album released

Further Information

The music of Gainsbourg is versatile and almost impossible to categorize. After all, Gainsbourg wrote songs in the styles of jazz, mambo, world music, french ballads, pop, rock, reggae, electronica, disco and new wave. Serge Gainsbourg was unique among French singer/songwriters. His lyrics are extremely well written, witty and crawling with word games that sometimes outraged people. That is why it is namely proper that two of Iceland's greatest writers: Þórarinn Eldjárn and Sigurður Pálsson fit them into the Icelandic language.

The singer Unnur Sara Eldjárn and drummer Halldór Eldjárn have for a long time enjoyed the music Serge Gainsbourg. Despite a controversial career it cannot be denied that Serge was an excellent songwriter and many of his songs reached top of the charts in the seventies. Those songs are on the album. Some of them were made famous by singers Brigite Bardot and Jane Birkin but it was not least France's Gall performance of Poupée de ciré poupée de son that ignited Unnur Sara's interest in singing.

Therefore it was quite delightful when Unnur and Halldór teamed up with guitarist and composer Daníel Helgason and bassist Alexandra Kjeld to rehearse for Sigulfjörður's Folk Song Festival in 2014. From the first rehearsal it was clear that the group played in unique harmony: The songs literally arranged themselves and the unique performance hit the audience straight in the heart. The place was packed!
The group has in fact gotten great reception from the crowd every single time they have played, only to name Cafe Rosenberg, Petersen suite and Hannesarholt.
That doesn't come as a surprise because all band members are highly acclaimed musicians in the Icelandic music scene and very prolific.

Með kaffilit/Couleur café

Elsku ljúfan kaffilit,
hár eins og kaffi
og háls í kaffilit,
ljúft að sjá þig leika’ og dansa.
Þá má heyra kliða hljótt
öll ökklaböndin þín
armböndin svo fín
á fótunum sem aldrei stansa.

Með kaffilit
unaðslega’ ertu kaffilit.

Alveg klikkuð áhrif má
fá af því að sjá
þig rúlla til og frá
augunum og mjaðmir skaka
eins og kaffið ertu þá
æsir mína þrá
espar mig svo já,
í alla nótt ég verð að vaka.

Með kaffilit
unaðslega’ ertu kaffilit.

En ást án pælinga’er
eins og kaffið hér
líður hjá og fer
sjálfsagt að sýna natni
við kaffi klígjar mér
ef það búið er
til að gleyma mér
bíð ég þess að það sjatni.

Með kaffilit
unaðslega’ ertu kaffilit.

Með kaffilit
unaðslega’ ertu kaffilit.

Icelandic translation: Sigurður Pálsson and Þórarinn Eldjárn

The album: "Unnur Sara sings Gainsbourg” was recorded live in a day. A Sixteen track recorder was used and the signal never went digital (except on an extra recording just in case). Very few magnetic tapes were available because only a few days prior to sessions it was clear that most of them were not fit for use.Therefore it was not room for more than two to three takes per song - but luckily everything went smoothly so the tape fitted perfectly. Relaxed and homey atmosphere of the songs shines through.

Song list:

1. Ne dis rien

2. Valse de melody

3. La javanaise

4. Black trombone

5. L'eau a la bouche

6. Je suis venu te dire

7. Cha cha cha du loup

8. Comment te dire adieu

9. L'anamour

10. Sous le soleil exactement

11. Þetta allt og ekkert ( Ces petits riens)

12. Með kaffilit (Couleur café)

13. Poupée de ciré, poupée de son

To get the album delivered to your home and straight into the living room we need your support. Fundraising for production of cds and vinyl is going strong and now is your chance! In return you get our heartfelt gratitude and in addition to that an album or an cd if you're interested. Then you can just relax, light a candle, even have a sip of red wine or coffee and listen to Unnur Sara's delightful voice tingle your taste buds.

Our best regards,

Unnur Sara Eldjárn,

Daníel Helgason,

Alexandra Kjeld,

Halldór Eldjárn.

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