Independently produced album by Pétur Ben
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raised of €3,000 goal


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Studio work

  • Recording
  • Mixing
  • Mastering

Album production

  • Artwork
  • Production
  • Send the digital album to backers
  • Send the CD to backers
  • Release concerts in 2013

Further Information

God's Lonely Man is Pétur Ben's long awaited second solo album. The album has already been recorded and is now going into production.

Known for his unique style of guitar-playing and songwriting, Pétur Ben has been a sought-after collaborator and producer. He stepped into the limelight together with Mugison in 2004, when the song "Murr Murr" with its distinct guitar-hook received the Icelandic Music Award for Song of the Year. One year later, Pétur Ben got the award for the Best Alternative Album of the Year for his debut "Wine for my Weakness". Pétur Ben spent the last years collaborating with friends and other artists from Iceland, including working on three film scores, and working on the songs for "God's Lonely Man".

For getting an impression of the atmosphere of the new album, check out the video that Pétur Ben recorded of his band colleague David Thor. Below you can also check out the collaboration with Amiina and Kjartan Guðnason.

Support us by pledging and pre-ordering the album! The album has been largely recorded, and with your support it can go into production!

Amiina recording the song Ocean @ Sundlaugin Studios in June 2012.

Kjartan Guðnason playing the cymbalom. Recorded at Harpa Reykjavik in June 2012.


Nú líður að útgáfu annarrar hljómplötu Péturs Ben sem að margir hafa eflaust beðið með óþreyju. Upptökum er að mestu lokið og nú er komið að því að setja plötuna í framleiðslu. 

Pétur er þekktur fyrir sinn einstaka gítarstíl og muna margir fyrst eftir honum í lagi Múgison “murr murr” frá 2004 þar sem hann spilaði ógleymanlegt gítarstef. Ári síðar voru honum veitt Íslensku tónlistarverðlaunin fyrir bestu hljómplötu ársins í flokknum Rokk og jaðar fyrir hans fyrstu sólóplötu Wine for my Weakness. 

Á undanförnum árum hefur Pétur starfað með hinum ýmsu tónlistarmönnum, samið tónlist fyrir þrjár kvikmyndir auk þess að vinna að nýju plötunni sinni God´s Lonely Man. 

Leggðu þitt á vogaskálarnar og pantaðu þér eintak af nýju plötunni. Pétur Ben gefur plötuna út á eigin vegum og þú getur átt þátt í að gera hana að veruleika!

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raised of €3,000 goal


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